In the 2020 Yumi FM PNG Musik Awards 2020, awards were given recognizing artists, bands, songs and producers of 2019.
Two bands were vying for the Duo/Group of the year award category, namely Stagajah and Wame blood.
Both bands released popular songs that were voted and requested in 2019.
The Award for the Duo/Group of the year category was for bands that had the most played songs on the Yumifm Countdowns.
This includes the Weekend top 20 countdowns, Top 8@8 and the Top 4 @4.
Stagajah took out the award for Duo/Group of the year with their hit songs Asasumba and Hategu.

These two songs got the highest number of votes and requests on 93 Yumifm.
“Ever since we started in 2014 up until now, we have been part of this event (Yumifm Music Awards). “
“We felt that we were going to win so we were very excited and humbled to receive this award.”
Gaiix from Stagajah had this to say to their fans.
“We would like to thank our loyal fans, we haven’t been releasing many singles but you all stood by us. We are very thankful for all of you.”
“We have finished a song and released it but it hasn’t gone on air yet. Its Christmas time so we are working on Christmas songs. We are still working on the lyrics but once we are done then we’ll record and release for our fans.”
He added that with PNG music, all music artists are still learning. He encouraged all artists to unite and work together to get PNG music to the international standard in the next 5 years.