Member for North Bougainville, Francesca Semoso is the first woman in the history of Papua New Guinea to preside over the House of Parliament as Assistant Speaker in today’s Parliament Sitting.
As Papua New Guinea prepares to celebrate 50 years of independence this is a sight that will go down in the history books of the country.
Given the speaker or Assistant Speaker presides over the Parliament House’s debates, determining which members may speak and which amendments are selected for consideration.
This is something that must be commended as the Government makes this bold decision to give this opportunity to a female to lead Parliament today.
The atmosphere and feeling in the house was just an amazing sight.
Certainly, PNG’s forefathers are smiling, this generation and the future generations will remember this day.
Assistant Speaker Semoso thanked the government for recognizing women and giving her the opportunity to be the first female to preside over Parliament.
Members of Parliament both on the government and opposition congratulated her for making history in PNG as the first woman to preside over parliament as the country looks forward to celebrating 50 years of nation hood.