Under the theme ‘Accelerate Action’ the Business and Professional Women’s Club of Port Moresby celebrated the 2025 International Women’s Day at the Stanley Hotel in Port Moresby on Friday, 7 February.
Business and Professional Women’s Club of Port Moresby (BPW) President Jessinta Wagambie stated the IWD celebration marks BPW hosting its 16th International Women’s Day Breakfast since 2009, which signifies BPW’s efforts to commemorate International Women’s Day and draw attention to gain quantity in the country.
Ms. Wagambai said that it is pleasing to see that more and more organizations are commemorating International Women’s Day by hosting various events.
“Over the years it is pleasing to see both men and women celebrating International Women’s Day.
I commend all the men, our male champions who are present today, who have raised their hands to attend BPW’s IWD Breakfast. We need men champions as we strive to empower women and girls in our country.
Education is an essential for women to be empowered and become leaders of change. While women and girls are far more educated than before gaps remain. Empowering women has advantages and empowering women greater power and the reality of women and family around her,” Ms. Wagambie said.
She said BPW IWD Breakfast was made possible because of a long partnership and generosity Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to the Australia partnership since 2009.
“We truly appreciate the continued support that has enable BPW to host its annual IWD breakfast. Over the years BPW has displayed significant role in empowering women and girls to obtain quality education.
Our contribution is made possible through our generous development partners and the dedication and commitment of a small group of committed women, non-paid volunteers who contributed selflessly their time and resources to ensure the success and sustainability of the scholarship program and varies activities,” she said.