Wet Season in the country is now in full swing with more rainfall to be experienced in the Southern Region.
That is according to the National Weather Service Director Mr Jimmy Gomoga who said the Wet Season in the country kicked off in early November and in full swing by the 12th December.
Right now we are in the summer season and also in the full swing of the wet season.
“The North West Monsoon has fully established itself across the country with the North West winds coming in strong over the last few weeks, thus this has caused a lot of rain fall.”
Mr Gomoga added that the amount of rainfall experienced in the different parts of the country is due to the climate conditions over the Pacific Oceans.
“Our country is experiencing a mild La-Nina situation in the ocean and when this happens; Southern Region becomes wetter than normal.”
Mr Gomoga further highlighted the different range of rain fall patterns currently happening and more expected to come.
He added that with the La Nina Conditions, the Southern Region became wetter than usual, receiving above average rainfall, however the New Guinea Islands Region has being receiving below average rainfall over the last 6-3 months and will continue to do so while the Highlands Region that is receiving average to below normal rainfall will continue to do so for the rest of the rain season.
The National Weather service has predicted that the rain season will be short lived due to the La-Nina conditions which will ease of by early January or February.
“When that happens we should see dryer conditions beginning to set in by March or April with the return of Dry season at the end of April.””
In the meantime, the National Weather Service has issued flash flood warnings for the Southern Region.
“The National Weather Service is currently monitoring the situation and will advise if flash floods will occur, but there are likely to be flash floods especially in our city, NCD due to the design of our drains”
He urged all motorists to take extra precautions during rainy days as there will be flash floods, and all houses near drains or low land are urged to move to higher ground for safety reasons.
“All are urged to heed to all warnings from the National Weather Service during the full swing of the wet season.”