Public Servants and employees of Public Authorities are released to cast their votes in the 2022 National General Elections during the polling period from 2nd July to 22nd July 2022 according to the Election Schedule released by the Electoral Commission.
Department of Personnel Management has released Circular Instruction No.8 ( dated 4th May 2022 to all National Departmental Heads, Provincial Administrators, Heads of other Public Authorities and all Public Servants advising them on the release of Public Servants and Employees to be given the opportunity to cast their votes.
Secretary Ms. Taies Sansan said, this will require that permission is granted for public servants and employees to leave work early for this purpose to visit their nearest polling booth.
“This instruction is particularly important in Highlands Provinces and most urban centres where the Electoral Commission has arranged for two weeks for voting, and each person to make their voting arrangements”. “As far as possible, each person should arrange to vote in their own time, for example, before and after normal Public Service commencement times”.
Ms Sansan said, where it has not been possible for them to vote in their own time due to waiting, queuing or travel time, Agency Heads shall allow a reasonable period of absence with pay during the said period where requested to enable each public servant and employee to cast their votes.