Port Moresby General Hospital will continue to provide normal services amidst the surge in COVID-19 in the city. PMGH serves over a million residents of the NCD, people from Central, parts of Gulf Provinces and referrals from the rest of the country.
PMGH is the only public Health facility providing 24 emergency services (with Gerehu Hospital), theatre services and labour ward with 50-60 deliveries per day.
PMGH Chief Executive Officer Dr. Paki Molumi said over 300 prescriptions per day are processed at our pharmacy and over 300 x-rays are processed per day at the Radiology Department.
The specialist clinics runs every day from 8am to 4pm with over 500 patients per day. Added to that 900 plus inpatients are managed. Patients queue up to receive the service and many wait long hours.
“With the scaling down of Gerehu Hospital due to COVID, PMGH will be more stressed. The overcrowding of patients will increase further. The overcrowding is a potential risk of spreading COVID,” said Dr. Molumi

“The Hospital will continue providing normal services as there is no other Health Facility like PMGH in the city.”
He said to ensure that, strict COVID protocols are in place to protect the patients been infected, protect our staff whilst managing COVID-19 cases.
PMGH activated its surge plan last week to cater for increased cases and also take on the role of Rita Flynn in managing mild to moderate cases.
The public is encouraged to adhere to COVID protocols in place when visiting PMGH so we continue provide normal services.