The Papua New Guinea Defense Force (PNGDF) 2021 focus will be on putting in efforts to improve its capacity to deliver support in nation building.
Commander Defense Force (CDF), Major General Gilbert Toropo, when giving his keynote address at the end of the year Commander’s Parade today in Port Moresby, said the focus of the PNGDF in 2021 is to deliver the establishment of a true nation building capacity and capability focused on civic action supply.
“We will look to contribute to the benefits and prosperity of the nation by engaging in a whole of nation approach and initiate programs to integrate the program by the government agencies, national, regional and local authorities, and key private sector stakeholders.”
“We will start in earnest to look to upgrade and where necessary, acquire the platforms, systems and equipment to undertake effect command, control, coordination and communication delivery to civil defense responses. Provide resources on humanitarian security delivery, and the starting of a national youth development program.”
Meanwhile, the commander also urged his men and women to continue to carry out their duties diligently in serving the government of the day and the country and its people during this time when the COVID-19 pandemic continues to hit the country and the world.
CDF Toropo also said when the virus hit the country early this year, it affected a lot of things, including the PNGDF. But the Force responded quickly and was able to work with the government and other organizations to handle the virus.
“We have come a long way in the last 12 months despite the constraints and restrictions placed upon us by COVID-19. We still have a long and exciting journey ahead of us and I am confident we have now set the conditions for the next step of our voyage,” said the CDF.
Nevertheless, the PNGDF as an organization is ready to take on the uncertainty that 2021 will bring, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on country, said Commander Toropo.