One new COVID-19 death was recorded in the last 24 hours ending 12 midday on…
The launch of ‘eGiving’ (electronic giving) in partnership with the PNG Adventist Church has introduced…
The Papua New Guinea COVID-19 national pandemic response was boosted this week with the delivery…
Papua New Guinea has recorded 363 new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours ending…
“It has been said that crises bring out the best in people and certainly, that…
The Department of Personnel Management in conjunction with Department of Financeconducted for the first time…
Prime Minister (PM) Hon. James Marape has extended his gratitude to senior leaders from ExxonMobil’s…
Meeting with NCDC City Manager & Directors on Top 10 Priorities NCD Governor, The Powes Parkop, who had a recent medical emergency, is back to work yesterday. “I want to humbly take this time and opportunity to thank everyone who…