The National Department of Health and UNAIDS are reassuring the public that HIV testing and…
Moresby Arts Theatre (MAT) will be staging the Shakespearean play Hamlet, in April, but with…
The Qhatapa initiative, a PNG Sustainable Development Program Ltd. funded initiative implemented in partnership with…
Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) has donated K550 000 which was used to procured 28…
Due to the recent brutal killing in the nation’s capital, the United Nations in Papua…
The shortage of Foreign Exchange Currencies (FX) remains an issue for businesses in PNG. According…
Today marked the signing of two new Memoranda of Understanding between the Federal Court of…
The FIFA match officials from New Zealand, Fiji, the Solomon Islands, Tonga, and Sāmoa were…
The Independent Consumer and Competition Commission (ICCC) has re-affirmed State-Owned Enterprise Minister William Duma’s position…
The East New Britain Provincial Government today endorsed it’s 2025 Provincial Budget of K566, 705,…
The Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) will be in co-operations in the Special Audit…