Jennifer Homano has been diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer and will be living on treatment for the rest of my life.
Jennifer had flown to Australia to visit her husband who she hadn’t seen in 2 years due to Covid-19 when she found a lump between her right breast and armpit.
“My husband and I went to the General Practitioner for a check up where I was told to get a scan done as she had suspected it to be breast cancer.”
“We did the scan and the results came out, that there where lymph nodes everywhere in my right side breast.”
“My GP made an appointment with the Toowoomba Base Hospital to do a Biopsy and mammogram.”
Jennifer said that on 1st of June, she had a biopsy and mammogram done and flew back to Port Moresby the next day due to her VISA.
After sorting out her VISA, she flew back to Australia on the 18th June to get her results.
“I was diagnosed with Multifocal breast cancer with metastasis to my axilla on 22th of June 2022.”
Since she’s been diagnosed, she’s been going in and out of hospital doing tests, scans, x-rays, blood tests, CT Scans and MRI Scans as well as a few surgeries on her breast.
Her bone scan and brain scan results came back negative for cancer however the cancerous lymp nodes have spread to her kidneys.
The surgeries that she goes through are around $25, 000 (K61 , 000) and radiation and Chemotherapy is $6, 000 (K15, 000) per treatment.
Jennifer greatly needs funding assistance so she can continue to get the treatment she needs.
So far her family have been having a few fundraising activities to assist her with her medical bills.
The family recently had a fundraising dance to raise funds and they have set up a GoFundMe Page for people that want to donate to her medical appeal.
She added that there will be a few more fundraising activities in the coming months.
She thanked everyone that has contributed in cash and kind to her medical appeal.