With the recent changes to on-board new members via the Employer Portal by payroll officers as part of improving the efficiency of the process, the NASFUND Savings and Loans Society (NCSL) is now urging employers not yet registered on the employer portal to do so in 2021.
Chief Executive Officer Vari Lahui said there are 830 organisations currently registered to access their employee information through the portal and he looked forward to also welcoming those employers that are
yet to register.
Mr. Lahui said that registration to access the employer portal will allow employers to view their employees’ member details and access online service for quicker remittance of member contributions.
This is in line with the promise of continuously improving services and products for the convenience and benefit of members, and this refined process of on boarding new members on the Online services provided to
members and employers was another example of the enhanced value proposition.
“This improved process will now enable over 1,000 registered employers both in private and public service throughout Papua New Guinea to register their non-ncsl employees in real time when updating member details and remitting member contributions on a fortnightly or monthly basis.
With this enhanced process, employers will have the opportunity to register their ncsl registered employees with appropriate valid IDs enabling easy access to ncsl products and services”.
“All such enhancements are part of improved services to complement ncsl’s recently-launched new corporate look towards realising its vision to be the best electronic bank in the country”, he said.
For more information on this article, please contact Ms. Kessie Tadap – Media & Communications Officer on 313 2055 or email ktadap@ncsl.com.pg.