The Port Moresby General Hospital Blood Bank team carried out the Blood Donation drive this morning at the Waigani Central Stop & Shop which was open to the general public.
The event was hosted by the City Pharmacy Group Limited and the Management of Stop & Shop. City Pharmacy Nursing Services Manager, Ms Sandra Cunningham said lives are saved and donors get to know their blood types in the case of their own health emergencies when giving this gift of life.
Port Moresby General Hospital Blood Bank Nurse Unit Manager, Sr Damaris Penias said the reason for the blood donation drive is to maintain the supply of blood in the Hospital. Another reason of the blood donation is due to the lifespan of the blood which cannot last after 35 days, there has to be a consistent blood supply maintained in the Hospital.
“I would like to appeal to everyone, individual blood donors, and the regular blood donors including the business houses and organization to arrange a date by calling our blood bank team to visit your companies or organizations. Also to those who have not donated and also to the general public to please come forward and donate blood”, said Sr Damaris.
We have a target collection of 350 bags/units of blood per week however we don’t meet that most of the times but we still maintain to meet the supply. However, we need to increase supply for emergency cases”, said Sr Damaris. Blood that is collected is used on emergency cases like the trauma cases from accidents and mothers who have complications in the labor ward during child birth.
Blood is also used on children with leukemia and thalassemia, who are on blood therapy, also reasons for surgeries and also on cancer patients and those admitted in wards that need blood transfusion.
“Blood is not manufactured; it is a precious gift from any voluntary donor who wishes to save another person so I appeal to the general public to support the blood bank by coming forward to donate blood. You may be saving a life”, said Sr Damaris.
The Blood type that is high on demand is the Blood Type O which is the universal blood type. Followed by blood type A or B then blood type AB. During the process of blood donation, interested participants will go through a screening process to select the most suitable donor who is in the most suitable health to donate safe blood.
This screening process will also help to identify if the person has some health problems that have not been identified and they can help to refer them to the appropriate health workers for treatment.
Preparation for donation; A person has to have 8-10 hours of sleep the night before donation, eat iron rich food, drink a lot of water or maintain hydration, avoid alcohol consumption at least a week leading up to the blood donation. Also personal hygiene is very important.
“We are located at the Port Moresby General Hospital Blood Bank on the ground floor right under Ward 7 and the entry is gate #2 along the Taurama Road”, said Sr Damaris.