Following a video that went viral on social on Wednesday of an innocent five-year-old male child mercilessly killed and dumped in a drain along Vadavada in the Nation’s Capital, the acting Director for National Office for Child and Family Services, the office responsible for child protection, has strongly condemned the heinous killing of that innocent little child on all levels.
Acting Director, Mr. Jerry Wap is now calling for an immediate thorough investigation to bring the perpetrator to face the full force of the law.
“I strongly denounce in the strongest terms this heinous act that show a ruthless and senseless killing of a helpless child.”
“Such crimes against children are uncalled for in Papua New Guinea.”
Mr. Wap added that the senseless killing of a child, who has the fundamental right to be safe and protected from violence is unacceptable under any circumstances.
Mr. Wap who is deeply concerned about the way the crime was committed on an innocent and helpless child, is now calling on police and other law enforcing agencies to carry out a swift investigation to bring the perpetrator to justice.
He also called on all community leaders and members of the community to support the police investigation team to ensure prompt and effective investigation so that the perpetrator and be identified quickly to be brought to face justice for the unjustifiable crime committed.
Expressing shock at the indiscriminate killing of the innocent and helpless child, Mr, Wap said the National Office for Child and Family Services has the responsibility to uphold respect for the rule of law and to protect every child in Papua New Guinea.
“The Lukautim Piknini Act provides the legal protection for all children who are the most vulnerable members of our societies.”
“The vicious attack on this innocent child indicates that there are members of our societies who have no respect for rule of law and right to life for others.”
Mr. Wap called on all parents and guardians throughout the country for care and close supervision of children who are vulnerable members of our families.
Mr. Wap, who as the appointed officer responsible for child protection offers his sincere condolence to the parents of the child, members of the family and relatives who are in mourning for a loss of an innocent child at the hands of cruel and sick people.