Author: Joshua ARLO

As Parliament resumption looms near, the Opposition side has not wasted time to strategize for a chance to form the next government. The Alternative Government side has now moved its camp to Loloata, which had previously been the campsite for the Marape-Rosso government side when Parliament had previously sat. Recently both sides have been switching Members of Parliament, garnering the numbers to solidify their hold to form or retain government. Prime Minister James Marape is confident, secure at this time with his huge number of coalition partners to his Pangu Pati. He just wants the Alternative Government to ‘stop playing…

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The Deputy Opposition Leader, James Nomane, has invited Fisheries Minister Jelta Wong, along with Treasury Minister Ian Ling-Stuckey and Finance Minister Mickey Kaeok, to a public debate at the University of Papua New Guinea on September 2nd, a day before Parliament resumes. Nomane’s call comes following him being criticised by Fisheries Minister Jelta Wong after Nomane labelled the 2024 National Budget as a ‘failure’. The Deputy Opposition Leader in an earlier statement, stated that the Marape government has failed to implement the 2024 National Budget, with only 30% of the budget executed after 10 months. He stated that despite a…

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There is a critical need for proper housing facilities for teachers to enhance the quality of education in the country. This has led to continuous efforts in this sector by Foreign Minister and Moresby-South MP, Justin Tkatchenko as a priority in his electorate, specifically for the Butuka Academy. He highlights that the success of future generations hinges on the quality of education provided, which is directly linked to the living and working conditions of educators. “If our teachers do not have the proper facilities and are not educated themselves at the highest level—how do we expect our future generation to…

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Fifty-two people in Rabaul District have finished a four-day training to collect important information for the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WaSH) program. This training is part of a bigger plan by the National Department of Planning and Monitoring to improve water and sanitation in the area. Mr. Takele Tuna, the National WaSH Program Coordinator, said the training is important because it helps create plans based on real information. “Our approach is to build capacity at the sub-national level to enable districts to take the bottom-up approach, community leadership, and ownership of projects,” said Mr. Tuna. The trainees come from four…

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Prime Minister (PM) James Marape has urged New Zealand to increase the number of Papua New Guineans working under its Recognized Seasonal Employer (RSE) Labour Mobility Scheme. The request was made during a bilateral meeting with New Zealand’s Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, held on August 28, at the 53rd Pacific Islands Leaders’ Forum in Tonga. The two leaders reaffirmed their commitment to ongoing cooperation between Papua New Guinea and New Zealand, particularly in labor mobility and resource development. This collaboration will emphasize sustainable and environmentally friendly practices, ensuring that new projects minimize their environmental impact. Prime Minister Luxon acknowledged the…

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The Rabaul District Administration has finally sworn in its new District Procurement Committee (DPC) members, enabling the district to manage and procure projects independently. The DPC had been inactive since 2022 due to the transfer of the former District Administrator, who was the previous chairman. The newly sworn-in committee members include Acting District Administrator Freddy Lemeki, Acting District Treasurer Lynette Wogan, Women’s Representative Florence John, and Community Representative Bernie Benson. The swearing-in ceremony was facilitated by the National Procurement Commission (NPC) team, with Senior Provincial Magistrate Samuel Lavutul overseeing the proceedings. Rabaul MP Dr. Allan Marat, along with district staff,…

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Prime Minister James Marape has commended the cooperative approach taken by China and the United States during the Pacific Island Forum (PIF). Speaking last night, August 29th, after returning from Tonga, the Prime Minister said he appreciated China and U.S. focus on supporting Pacific Island nations rather than competing for influence. “For the first time, they found a common ground, acknowledging that the Pacific Island nations need both their support,” Marape noted. He also praised China’s commitment to trade and humanitarian efforts, saying, “China is not here to take away any place.” “China is here to assist with trade and…

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Prime Minister James Marape announced that Papua New Guinea (PNG) is leading a new initiative to domesticate fish processing within the Pacific region. This move aims to create thousands of jobs and boost economic growth in the region. “Our government has always known leaders that stand with me.” “We all are not begging anymore, not borrowing anymore, not seeking grants anymore.” “From our own resources, we want to make sure we are earning money from our own resources,” Marape said. The initiative, which began at a Fisheries Ministers’ meeting in Kokopo, East New Britain, was accepted as a key working…

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Prime Minister James Marape highlighted the importance of climate change discussions during the 53th Pacific Island Forum (PIF) Leaders Summit in Tonga. He revealed this at a press conference following his return to PNG yesterday, August 29th. He said member nations participated, focusing on the significant impacts of climate change on the region. “As we all know, we are exposed to climate change-related issues, weather patterns change, sea level rise, desalination of arable land, and erosion of land for that matter, ” he said, adding, “And so that conversation remains the single most important issue that all nations in the…

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Papua New Guinea is making preparations to receive Pope Francis on September 6, as announced by Prime Minister James Marape on August 29th after returning from Tonga. The Prime Minister revealed the papalvisit will include mass and worship programs, with leaders from the Pacific also invited to attend. “Our nation is preparing to receive him on the 6th of September.” “If he does come after 6 o’clock or sunset, I will not be there at the airport. That’s with respect to my (SDA) Sabbath practice, but the Deputy Prime Minister John Rosso will be there to receive Pope Francis,” Marape…

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