Author: Emmanuel MAIPE

The recent inaugural Dadi Toka Pesi 9s rugby league cup challenge held in Port Moresby, could expend next year to include other divisions going forward. According to the Tournament Director Mr. Vaieke Vani, that is the step that they will be trying to take to include the women’s open division and the under 20s in the tournament in 2023. “There were a lot of young boys playing in the matches amongst the seniors, so it’s good to have the different grades introduced for them to play in like the under 20s going forward,” he said. Mr. Vani added that the…

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The morning rain surely did not stop all the rugby league faithfuls to gather around the Konedobu field in the city of Port Moresby to catch the start of the inaugural Dadi Toka Pepsi 9s rugby league cup challenge yesterday. The field was packed since 9am in the morning with fans, teams, and even the vendors.The Tournament Director Mr. Vaeke Vani, said we can expect more of this in the days to come. The tournament itself is massive with a total of 32 teams fitted into 48 pools. Yesterday saw 24 pools play while the other 24 will take the…

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The long awaited inaugural Dadi Toka Pepsi 9s Rugby League Cup Challenge is set for a big start with a total of 28 teams already registered for the three days of matches that will take place next week in Port Moresby city. The Tournament Director, Mr. Vaeke Vani, said the teams come as far as Kairuku in the Kairuku Hiri District, Papa and Lealea in the Hiri west and the rest from the Motu Koita villages and some from the suburban. “We anticipate some good quality football from the teams that will be participating. We got some teams fresh out…

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The country’s consumer watch dog, the Independent Consumer and Competitions Commission (ICCC), has made it crystal clear that no PMV or taxi operator is to charge extra above the approved fares for 2022 announced by the Commission just recently. According to the Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mr. Paulus Ain, the ICCC can only determine the maximum fares from one end to another, and operators are allowed to compete by charging at or below the maximum fares set, but they cannot charge above these fares, and any operator charging above is in breach of the Prices Regulation Act. “Furthermore,…

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The public will soon know if the Independent Consumer and Competitions Commission (ICCC) will be giving any awareness to the public regarding the recent increases of the Public Motor Vehicle (PMV) and taxi fares in the country. According to the Commission, the CEO and Commissioner Mr. Paulus Ain, is expected to put out a notice on ICCC’s plans to disseminate information on the reasons behind the changes to the public. “The ICCC will be issuing a statement either by this afternoon or tomorrow on the step we will be taking in response to the queries.” This need to respond came…

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It is the New Year and the Port Moresby Australian Football League (AFL) Association is not wasting any time to get things rolling for the 2022 season after it had to cancel its’ last season (2021) due to COVID-19 restrictions. The Association President Mr. Douglas Lai said his officials and club executives will meet early next week to put together a plan for the season. He is anticipating an early start to the games, and he is suggesting having a format of competition like the current Australian AFL format. “We should have the women’s competition first and later followed by…

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The Bina Primary and Elementary School has joined the rest of the rural dwellings and institutions in Central province to connect to the Port Moresby power grid after PNG Power Ltd made the connection with the support of the New Zealand government. This will now for the first time see the continuing and new students that will be attending the school in Galoma village next year, be learning in a school that has full electricity supply instead of using the old school generator from time to time whenever it is needed. The Principal, Mr. Baena Tau, said the electricity service…

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Papua New Guinea (PNG) will continue to be a strategic location for investment in the resource sector given that the Asian markets are expected to increase their demands in energy and raw materials into the future. That was the assurance given by Prime Minister (PM) James Marape to stakeholders, investors, and potential resource sector investors at the very recent 2021 Mining and Petroleum Conference & Exhibition. Marape said PNG’s location is strategic that world class resource companies like ExxonMobil and Total have invested in the resource sector here, but probably the most important is the expected expansion of the Asian…

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A lot will be spent on the cost of the public service if the public service structure is not better managed by the government. This was the suggestion put forth by former Prime Minister and Member for Ialibu Pangia Peter O’Neill, when debating the 2022 National Budget in parliament today. Mr. O’Neill said the K13billion allocated to maintain the operational expenditure in the 2022 budget, which also covers the public service expenditure, is way too high. “In fact, it is more than what the revenue that the entire country got in 2021 to go to maintain public service structure,” said…

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The theme of the 2022 National Budget is “Lightening the Burden,” but some of the measures to take in the projected revenue of K16.1billion, could add burden to the people. One such measure is the introduction of the Banking Levy of K190 million, which is considered to impact people, especially the contributors of superfunds. According to Mr. Andrew Oaeke, the Acting Deputy Secretary Economic Policy of the Department of Treasury, there are a set of revenue measures that will be used to get that revenue in 2022. “They are categorized in three areas of Revenue Raising, Revenue Policies to Promote…

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