In the early hours of New Year’s Day, an ambulance team from St. John Ambulance faced a violent attack while responding to a labor emergency case near the Morobe Block, 9 Mile.
The incident, which underscores the rising crime rates as the new year begins, resulted in injuries to the pregnant mother, damage to the ambulance, and a distressing delay in the delivery of urgent medical care.
At approximately 1:30 a.m., St. John Ambulance Alpha 021 responded to a labor case reported from 14 Mile. The team was transporting a pregnant woman in active labor to the 3 Mile Labor Ward when they encountered a roadblock at Morobe Block, 9 Mile, Port Moresby.
The ambulance was attacked by a mob of more than 20 individuals, including men and women, who threw stones at the vehicle. One stone shattered the rear glass window of A021, injuring the pregnant mother’s legs. Despite the injury, medical assessments confirmed that there was no harm to the womb or the unborn child.
Russell, a 33-year-old training officer assigned to A021, described the harrowing incident: “We slowed down to avoid the roadblocks, but bystanders began attacking us with stones and knives. One of the stones penetrated the window, injuring the patient inside.”
Despite the chaos, the ambulance team called for backup. Alpha 041 arrived shortly after, continuing the transport of the pregnant woman to safety. Upon reaching Gordon’s Police Station, the crew handed over the patient to ensure her safe delivery at the 3 Mile Labor Ward.
“The mother sustained minor injuries to her legs, but we are relieved that her womb and unborn child were unharmed,” Russell added.
Current Status:
The pregnant mother safely reached the 3 Mile Labor Ward and is under medical care. The ambulance team is unharmed and continues to respond to emergencies despite the risks.
Authorities are investigating the attack, which has become a part of the alarming rise in criminal activity as the new year begins.
“These incidents jeopardize the safety of both patients and responders, delaying critical medical care,” said a representative from St. John Ambulance.
This attack highlights the challenges faced by emergency medical teams operating in high-risk areas, as crime rates escalate with the new year. St. John Ambulance urges the public to cooperate with emergency teams to ensure the safety of everyone involved.