NCD is ready for polling. Assistant Returning Officer for the Moresby North-East, Mr. Tauna Lahui has given the assurance that the polling officials and materials are ready to be shipped out to the various polling sites at 6 am in the morning.
A total of 402 gazetted ballot boxes will be distributed throughout the whole electorate.
The distribution of the ballot boxes is as follows: Ward 12 will receive 120 ballot boxes, Ward 5 will receive 68 with 10 boxes of ballot papers, Ward 9 will receive 140 boxes and ward 6 will receive 75, the number of boxes will be shared for the open and regional seats.
In light of the recent discrepancies that had been encountered in the past 4 days, prior to the pre-check a few candidates had their request granted by the Election officials, which was to sign on all gazetted ballot boxes as proof that they are the proper boxes for polling.
This and the pre-check for the ballot papers were confirmed under the watchful eyes of the candidates and scrutineers.
All regional boxes are marked with blue ink and those of the open seats are marked in red.
The finalized list of polling officials has already gone through training and now awaits dawn for early deployment to the polling sites.
Polling will start at 8:00 am in the morning.