Over 17,000 Grade 12 students from secondary schools and national high schools nationwide will miss out on placings at tertiary institutions for 2021.
Only 9,371 grade 12 students have been selected and are eligible to proceed onto tertiary institutions out of 27, 143 students that sat for the National Grade 12 examination for 2020.
In total, 17,772 students have been denied a space, a slight drop from last years figures of 18, 318.
This was revealed by the Secretary for Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST), Fr Jan Czuba during the launching of 2021 Admission selection of grade 12s today. He said these lot of students have met the required GPA for programs offered at the various tertiary institutions.
Fr Jan admitted that there will be alot of disappointed students and parents given the results for this year’s exams.
“Our Grade 12’s academic year has been cut short by the COVID-19 pandemic which has disturbed their studies”
Fr Jan said there are 3000 spaces still available in the Tertiary institutions and he called upon the institutions to open their doors to those students who have been put in the admission pool.
It is understood there about 18, 609 students named in the admission pool. Meanwhile students can be able to go online now on their NOAS account and check their names against the program and they applied for.
The official publication of the selection result will be available on the DHESRT website by January 2021.