The opportunists that looted the major shops and warehouses in Port Moresby city during the riots on Wednesday 10th January, have been urged to surrender the stolen properties they are in possession of, to their nearest police station instead of waiting for the law to catch up with them.
This was the instruction given by the State of Emergency (SOE) Controller, Acting Police Commissioner Donald Yamasombi today following initial police raids yesterday and this morning to recover the stolen items, especially the big white goods.
The security personnel had started rescuing some of the stolen items and they will continue, but the people are invited to bring them to the shops that they stole them from.
The stolen properties from Brian Bell must be brought back to the warehouse yard at Gerehu where it was set on fire.
Meanwhile, the SOE Controller has already made public the three SOE emergency measures that the security personnel will be implementing within this 14- day SOE period.
The security personnel include members of the Defence Force and the police.