Warangoi Secondary School in East New Britain Province, will soon receive a new duplex for teachers’ houses.
Principal of Warangoi Secondary, Mrs. Naomi Vuvu, said that the project has already started and should be complete by Term One of next year.
Vuvu stated that, the total amount of funding put into this project is K464, 000 which came from students’ project fees.
In addition to this, Vuvu said that a plan has been put in place to carry out two more duplex teacher’s houses and two new classrooms by next year.
She said the reason being that many of the teachers in the school do not have accommodation near the school or within the school premises.
“I would like as much as possible to have as many teachers’ houses as we can for the benefit of our teachers so that they don’t have to travel long distance to come teach.”
“With one duplex currently under construction, we are now aiming for two more to be built so that each of our teachers’ can all have a place to stay within the school premises.
As for the classrooms, Vuvu said that the school is working to introduce grade 7 into the school and to have classrooms for them built out.”
“This way, it makes it easier for the students to move on to the next grade without having to transfer between different schools from high school to secondary school.”
Vuvu concluded that the plan and budget for these two duplex houses and classrooms will be put together and presented to the school board before school resumes next year.