The Papua New Guinea University of Technology (UoT) NCD Students Association have started their education awareness programs for secondary schools in Port Moresby.
They started the program with a presentation at Gerehu Secondary school on Thursday where a few of the student representatives talked about their respective courses that they are studying.
UoT NCD Students Association Vice President, Mr. Arthur Kondon said that the aim for this program is to motivate, educate and inspire youths.
“We want to show these students that we were once them in school. We want the students to see that if we can do it, they can too.”
Kondon said that they had student leaders from the different schools at the university who talked about their experience at the university, the courses they studied and what they wanted to do after they graduated. They offered encouragements and answered questions from the students.
On Friday they had the same awareness program at St Charles Lwanga and will continue the awareness program this week at Tokarara Secondary and Gordons Secondary schools.
Kondon added that they want to make the education awareness program an annual program so they can carry out the awareness at other schools that they are unable to go to this year.
He further added that they want to visit more schools to inspire and motivates youths; however, they do not have the finances to do so.
Currently they are using their own resources and would like to reach out to interested parties for financial assistance so they can keep carrying out this program.
Meanwhile, Kondon would like NCD Students from the other tertiary institutions to partner with them so they can come up with other programs to give back to the communities here in Port Moresby.