Police Commissioner David Manning has revealed that a temporary and partial restriction on the Facebook platform has been ordered under the Counter- Terrorism Act 2024 due to significant threats to national security.
He confirmed that the direction follows recent intelligence and investigation into communications on Facebook that were intended to harm the lives of innocent law- abiding people.
“Over the past week there have been threats to incite actions, murder and ethnic clashes using Facebook as the main means of communication.
This has included provocations that were published online though Facebook for individuals to use weapons and explosives to create fear and take lives.
“Police take these threats seriously, and this temporary restriction of a single social media platform is one component of ongoing counter- terrorism investigation and operations,” said Commissioner Manning.
The Commissioner expressed his appreciation for the responsible response from law- abiding citizens to the temporary restriction.
“Under the strategic direction of the Executive Government, this operation is all about saving lives, preventing the escalation of tribal conflicts and killing, and stopping incitement to damage to hospitals, schools and buildings.
These directions are time- limited and any speculation otherwise is pure fake news.
This operation is restricted to Facebook and does not affect any other platforms.
“Investigations continue to monitor the activities of these criminal as they attempt to use other online platforms for their criminal activities,” Manning said.
Further information regarding police operations will be released at an appropriate time.