Teachers taking part in the electoral processes must notify their respective local education divisions.
The word straight from the Teaching Services Commission Chair, Mr. Samson Wanghiome is that all teachers who are still taking part in the electoral processes must advise their Provincial Education Divisions so that they are aware of the status of the teachers.
“All teachers, regardless if they hold high positions in their school of if they are principles, must comply to these directives otherwise they will be put on Leave Without Pay,” the chairman said.
Mr. Wanghiome reiterated that he understands it is their constitutional right to take part, but it is also their duty as teachers to let the education divisions know that are taking part in the electoral processes so that provisions will be made for them in their absence.
The TSC have also been receiving reports from concerned citizens around the country that teachers have been absent in class and it is worrying for the schools that have already commenced classes.
“People are reporting to us and telling us that teachers are doing this and teachers are doing that outside of their contact period in class. Give us name of those that are doing that so that we can approach them and speak to them,” the Chair said.