EDUCATION By PNG Haus BungJanuary 12, 2023POLYE WANTS TO SEE TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS GO DIGITAL Western Pacific University has officially received 6 newly constructed staff houses and 3 completed student dormitories from the People’s Republic…
EDUCATION By Rolland BANABADecember 21, 2021OVER 9000 OUT OF 26544 GRADE 12S SELECTED FOR HIGHER LEARNING Out of the 26,544 grade 12 students that sat for this year’s National Examination, only 9852 students made it through…
LOCAL NEWS By Rolland BANABAJanuary 6, 2021K37MILLION ALLOCATED TO TESAS STILL NOT ENOUGH: DHERST The Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology has requested for K68million for the Tertiary Education Study Assistance Scheme…