LOCAL NEWS By Rolland BANABAApril 23, 2021SUSPECTS APPREHENDED FOR ALLEGED RAPE OF ALOTAU NURSE Three (3) suspects are now in police custody while a further suspect is yet to be apprehended and handed over…
COVID-19 By Tasminnie ISIMELIMarch 17, 2021ALOTAU COVID-19 CASES INCREASE Nine (9) new cases of COVID-19 cases where confirmed for the Milne Bay Province in the last week. Milne Bay…
LOCAL NEWS By PNG Haus BungFebruary 19, 2021BOEING 737 FLIGHTS SET FOR TOUCHDOWN AT GURNEY, ALOTAU Air Niugini is upgrading selected flights to Gurney Airport, Alotau MBP to larger Boeing 737 aircraft. The first ever Boeing…