A cash amount of K5million has been wired from the Treasury to pay off the remaining royalties owed to the Sirinumu landowners as initial payment for the K15million outstanding royalty being demanded.
That was the assurance given by Prime Minister (PM) James Marape in parliament this afternoon when responding to questions from Member (MP) for Hiri Koiari, Keith Iduhu on the issue this morning up at the Rauna power stations.
“The landowners at Sirinumu dam have taken over the Sirinumu Power Station and water supply. This has now affected power and water supply to Port Moresby city residents,” said Mr. Iduhu.
The MP had asked what has been done so far today to resolve this matter.
PM Marape in response said the three ministers for Commerce and Trade, Finance, and State Enterprises will be meeting with the MP and Governor for Central after the parliament sitting to discuss and move forward with this matter.
At this stage, the PM said the K5million should be given to landowners first while the ministers and parties involved, work on releasing the remaining K10million.
The K15million outstanding demanded for by the landowners is the remaining amount of a K25million total, of which K10million of that amount was paid some years back. Since then, the landowners claimed that the remaining K15million has not been paid, leading to the blockade put up by the landowners this morning.
It is hoped that the K5million would appease the landowners for the time being so that the blockade can be removed and power and water resume normal supply to Port Moresby.
Currently, the city is going through power load- shedding and water rationing since this morning.