St Barbara has recently delivered two major projects at its Simberi Operations without a lost time injury (LTI). The construction team, inclusive of St Barbara employees and contractors, achieved over 109,000 safe workhours in the projects.
The multi-million-dollar projects included the Deep-Sea Tailings’ Placement (DSTP) pipeline and the ph monitoring system facility, which were constructed over three months without an incident. The projects form part of Simberi Operation’s sulphides extension, for which St Barbara is currently seeking an environmental permit.
General Manager Randy McMahon described the excellent safety performance by the work crew as a safety milestone., Comparing it to a person’s work life, he said, “It’s like one person working for 52.4 years without an injury, it’s outstanding,” said Mr McMahon.
Safety performance in the mining industry is calculated by multiplying the number of workers by the number of daily work hours by the number of days worked then dividing the total by the number of weekly hours worked by each person.
Construction work started on 20 September 2021 and ended on 6 January 2022. Almost 100 pipeline specialists, engineers, technicians, tradespeople, and divers from Papua New Guinea and abroad had teamed up with St Barbara Simberi Operations teams to deliver the projects. The works included upgrades to the process of monitoring pH levels and the building and safe installation of a 540-metre DSTP line deep on the ocean floor.
Meanwhile Mr McMahon, who was this month commenced as the new General Manager of Simberi Operations, was recently given keys to the island by the local chiefs and community members.
In a an elaborate traditional Simberi ceremony, Mr McMahon was presented the traditional Mis – New Ireland Province’s traditional currency- symbolising his acceptance into the community.
Mr McMahon and community leaders, including women and church representatives, agreed to continue working in close partnership with the mutual goal of securing royalties and other benefits for Simberians and the rest of the Tabar islanders.
The communities of Simberi, Tatau and Big Tabar have recently given their full consent for St Barbara to extend mine life through the mining of sulphides. Sulphides’ mining will extend Simberi’s life for at least another 10 years. Application for the environmental permit for sulphides mining is currently being assessed by the Conservation and Protection Authority.
The islanders are also currently reviewing Simberi’s Memorandum of Agreement with the company and the Mineral Resources Authority.
St Barbara has delivered over K350 million worth of community and government benefits including royalties, income taxes and health and education support during13 years of oxide mining at Simberi.