Sexual crimes are the highest of crimes topping the list in the last four years in NCD since 2017 when NCD Metropolitan Superintendent Perou N’ Dranou took office.
N’Dranou said he has been continuously appealing to the media over the years to assist in the awareness of sexual crimes that are happening at our communities.
“I’d rather you media focus on sexual crimes than things like stolen motor vehicle.”
He said other crimes are happening openly in but sexual crimes are happening within the families quietly and the victims are too vulnerable to defend themselves. Most of the crimes are unreported.
“Our young children, females and young boys have been targeted. Sexual crime has been the frequent crime from 2017 – 2020”
N’Dranou said the other crimes making noise are not frequent compared to sexual crimes.
“So it’s not armed robbery, it’s not drink driving or children going missing”
“The biggest problem we have in the city is sexual crime”
The Metropolitan Superintendent said police go out to communities and do awareness on the issue, however is not enough to curb the crime and he is asking for more help from those in authority and other stakeholders.
“ I need more than that, I need stakeholders, I need media, I need people that can continue to deliver the message beyond police.”
He said for the last four years, not so much has been done to address this issue and he’s hoping police could partner with stakeholders, NGOs and media to curb this growing issue in the city.