Morobe Provincial Government’sĀ Head of Human Resource Management has announced it will fund publicĀ servants to attend short Small Medium Enterprises (SME) and Financial Literacy courses before they retire.
The Human Resource Manager Kusak Meruk said Morobe Provincial Government (MPG) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Personal Viability (PV) courses and will further sign an agreement with Pacific Institute of Leadership and Governance (PILAG) to prepare public servants on how to manage their final entitlements when they retire from the public sector.
Meruk said PILAG’s program on teaching SME and Financial Literacy courses have convinced him, thus he will prepare documents with the institute to teach public servants serving in the area on how to better manage their final payouts in a productive manner that will help sustain them in the longer run when they finish from public service.
He made this announcement after delivering his speech last Friday at the Okari campus in Lae during a first of its kind graduation staged by PILAG after passing 17 public servants who sat for the two weeks short course.
The recent graduates sponsored their own fees of K500 and sat for two weeks Financial Literacy and SME courses.