The Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League (PNGRFL) is seeking Expression of Interests (EoI) from interested persons to serve as Independent Directors on the PNGRFL Board and on its key program Boards such as the PNG Kumuls, PNG Orchids, PNG National Rugby League Competition, PNG National Schools Rugby League and the respective Provincial and Confederate Boards.
This initiative is in line with the PNGRFL’s new governance reforms whereby the PNGRFL is seeking to bring on Independent Directors who can add value to the PNGRFL and its programs.
PNGRFL acting CEO Stanley Hondina said interested candidates – both male and female – must indicate in order of preference, the Boards on which they feel they could add value given their experience and skills.
He said minimum requirements must include demonstrated experience of involvement in sports at any level; have good management and leadership experience; have good networking experience with both public and private entities including government organisations and be of good standing and credibility with high moral and ethical character.
“He or she must be willing and committed to serve in a growing and diverse organization; have sufficient time available to discharge the duties of Board membership; have good people skills to be able to develop cordial working relationships with fellow Board members, staff and the games stakeholders and effectively contribute to the sports growth,” Hondina said.
“And membership of the PNG Institute of Director would be an advantage.”
He said Expressions of Interest with a brief updated CV and relevant documents can be sent to:
Mr Stanley Hondina
a/Chief Executive Officer
PO Box 1845
National Capital District
Applications titled ‘Expression of Interest as Director” can be emailed to:; Or Hand delivered to: Suite 1, National Football Stadium, Laurabada Avenue, Boroko, NCD.
Hondina said the Expressions of Interest close at 5.00pm on FRIDAY FEBRUARY 12, 2021.