Papua New Guinea Defence Force confirms that two of its members were killed early Tuesday morning. This incident occurred around 4.00AM this morning at Kupiano in Central Province during the final field exercise for the Corporal Qualifying Course conducted at Goldie River Training Depot.
Two others are injured and including a civilian and have since been evacuated to the Port Moresby General Hospital.
The families have been informed and details of the service personnel will be released once all internal protocol requirements for members killed in action are done. An investigation team from the Royal Papua New Guinea constabulary has been dispatched to the site with the Military Police.
Also, a high level PNGDF investigation team has been tasked to immediately deploy to conduct an internal investigation. PNGDF is ensuring that it continues to provide the duty of care to the families those deceased and wounded members during this time.
Defence Minister Win Baki Dakri said as Minister responsible he conveys his sincere condolences to the families and loved ones of the deceased members.
“I also give my assurances to those who were wounded that their recovery will have our priority of support.”