December 1st marks World AIDS Day and it is during this time the people reflect on the risks of contracting this deadly disease and also the support for those living with HIV, and it’s a time to also reflect on the efforts to reducing it and charting ways forward to protecting the people from it.
For Papua New Guinea (PNG) the commemoration of World AIDS Day is a time to also reflect on the number of people living with the disease, where PNG has a total record of 77, 000 people living with HIV/Aids since the first detected case in 1987.
According to National Department of Health (NDoH) National STI/HIV Program Manager Dr. Nano Gideon, the majority of the people infected are young, the productive age group ages 15-49 years old. These are people who are capable of contributing in various sectors towards the development of the country and the future of our nation.
It is estimated that about 6, 700 new infections occurred in 2023, or about 18 new infections per day. And the annual number of deaths is not showing a decline. 1 out of every 100 pregnant women who are tested for HIV is HIV positive.
The government has been committed since 2010 to provide free HIV medicines, test kits and condoms for prevention unlike other countries. PNG has over 300 HIV testing facilities and more than 160 ARV treatment facilities in all the provinces. PNG has a record of over 45, 000 people who are on ART and alive and are productive to the country.
“Resource allocation has been very challenging. We need to archive National health Plan “95-95” by 2030. And that means, 95% of people who are positive within our population must know their status. They must come and do a blood test.”
“The new testing kit that we are using can do two tests. It can test HIV & Syphilis together. So, once they are positive, 95% of those must be receive ART. At the moment we are reaching about 80%.”
Dr. Gedion said, they will not know if someone is HIV positive unless they take the test.
He is urging everyone to get tested to know their status or if they are exposed to the risk.
“Testing should be among the key population and the young people. As well as anyone who wants to get the test because they are exposed to the risk. Knowing one’s status is calling for earlier detection and prevention.”
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