Another killing has been reported along the Hiritano Highway yesterday.
Central Provincial Police Commander Chief Inspector Opai Tapp said the killing of a man believed to be of Highlands ethnicity yesterday afternoon could be linked to last week’s spate of killings along the same highway.
“I believe it is a spill over of the incidents of last week Wednesday and Thursday outside Doa. We got a report of one person being killed up somewhere in between Kerema and Malalaua. We also got reports that there is one person from the Highlands that has been yesterday killed and a couple more unaccounted for.”
PPC Tapp said the number of unaccounted persons believed to have been travelling with the deceased at that time is yet to be confirmed.
“Right now we are organizing for extra manpower from Central Province police to go down to assist our guys in Gulf and try to look for the perpetrators.”
“We do not know where they are so we are trying to send in a couple of units to look for them.”
“Maybe they are in the community around there hiding, so we are going to try to see if they are around there.”
As it is right now, PPC Gulf, Chief Inspector Mariah Jones is believed to be on the ground with her officers, along with a few reinforcements from Central Province and NCD police.
Chief Inspector Mariah Jones has confirmed that she will make a statement later today and is enroute to Port Moresby at this time.