Nambawan Super Limited (NSL) in 2024 financial year have seen an increase in the number of Members across its Voluntary Contributions, Choice Super and Retirement Savings Account products.
NSL’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Paul Sayer said that an additional 2,000 Members took up Voluntary Contributions in 2024 which is a 6% increase over 2023.
“We understand that saving for retirement is challenging, particularly during these hard times.
I would like to acknowledge the dedication of our members who remain steadfast in their goal of achieving a comfortable and financially secure retirement, while balancing the financial pressures of today.”
“Despite these difficulties, our members continue to persevere, trusting that their superannuation savings will grow stronger under our prudent management.”
I encourage more Members to continue to save and use this product in order to maximize the interest earned on their savings over the long term. An extra K10 every fortnight can add thousands to your superannuation, through the power of compound interest,” Mr. Sayer said.
He added that while NSL remain cautiously optimistic, regardless of the challenges and the economic environment in 2025, Members who are considering retirement can rest assured that their funds remain safe and protected by Nambawan Super.
“Your superannuation savings will be made available to you, including your interest earned and the employer portion received by NSL, once you are ready to exit,” Mr. Sayer said.
Apart from the increased Voluntary Contributions, NSL also noted:
• Fund Membership grew by 3.3% to 235,888 Members, from 228,319 in 2023.
• Net Asset Value now totals K11.2 billion, an increase K1.36 billion compared to K9.84 billion in 2023.
• Net Profit After Tax a record-high of K1.1 billion, representing a significant increase of K425 million from the 2023 NPAT of K659 million.
• Annual interest rate of 10.5% return for Members compared to 7% in 2023.
• Member Contributions Received totaled K961 million, compared to K970 million in 2023.
• Member Benefits Paid totaled K703 million paid out through Exits such as resignation; retirement, Death Benefit Payments, Transfers, Unemployment Benefits, Housing Advances and RSA Withdrawals to Members and or Member Beneficiaries, compared to K781 million paid out in 2023.