Eight (8) hardcore criminals from the Tigak Group of Islands in New Ireland, who are part of a gang, that has reigned in anarchy for past three (3) years, has finally surrendered to the Police last week.
After two (2) weeks of aggressive resilience from the gang, their surrender came about following the loss of their ring leader, (name withheld) who was shot dead in a raid conducted by joint local Police and Mobile Squad personnel on Thursday the 9th of June.
After numerous calls from the Police, since their insertion into the area, on the 27th of May, a seven (7) day ULTIMATUM was given from the 31st of May to the 7th of June, for the identified criminals, to either surrender voluntarily or face the full brunt of the Law.
There were warnings also given to recover all boats transporting the fugitives to and from the islands. However, these criminals continued to intimidate and terrorize lives of innocent people, despite police presence and the ultimatum given. A boat used to ferry the fugitives has been identified, confiscated and impounded at the Kavieng Police Station, as investigation continues.

These criminals including the deceased, are responsible for lawless acts without any remorse causing anxiety and fear in the Tigak Islands including communities of Ungan, Nonovaul, Salampiu, Kavin and other neighboring islands. The gruesome crimes include three (3) barbaric killings, arsons, unlawful wounding, arm robberies, break and enter stealing, marijuana cultivation, trade and consumption, home brew sales and consumption, willful damage to properties, rapes, public nuisances and other crimes committed at will according to their convenience without any regard for the innocent.
Towards the end of May, reports were received by the Police of a willful damage of properties incident, at Ungan Island following an SME distribution by an intending candidate for the 2022 National General Election.
When local Police made the first insertion into the area, they were verbally threatened and attacked with cross bows, catapults and bows and arrows. That resulted in New Ireland PPC, Chief Inspector Felix Nebanat, calling in re-enforcement of Mobile Squad personnel, from Tomaringa to boost manpower and mitigate the situation.
Investigation into the matter traced back to a string of gruesome crimes including the willful murder committed by the deceased, who took his biological brother’s life, following a minor argument while under the influence of alcohol. All suspects are part of a family gang made up of a landowner from Tigak (name withheld) his sons forming a “band of brothers” and his grandsons assisted by a minority of displaced Lovongai’s who he accommodates on the large portion of customary land that he owns.
According to Police report, the criminals committed an act of defiance with high level of arrogance, for the past two weeks despite countless attempts for negotiation conducted around the whole group of islands which was not complied with.
Leaving the Police with no other option but to resort to applying the relevant amount of force, to move in and apprehend the suspects after all negotiations failed.
The main suspects have surrendered while their accomplices and the displaced Lovongai’s are still at large. Police operations continue as the eight (8) suspects, who surrendered recently, brings the progressive number of criminals apprehended to eleven (11) out of an initial total of fourteen (14) wanted criminals listed for the case.
Meanwhile, the operation has also unraveled a trail of drug dealings where marijuana was confiscated and dealers arrested.