Thanks to technological advances, the National Identity (NID) Project now has an upper hand in addressing issues such as identity theft and the authentication of client identity and lately, the Project has acquired and deployed the use of mobile biometric android devices.
Internal Security Minister Peter Tsiamlili Jnr said that the new NID cards will be able to read and identify the fingerprints of a person and will have the capability to determine the identity of the presenter of the NID Card.
“This applies only to adults 18 years and over who have an NID card.”
The devices have been put to use with the first device being granted to Chief Migration Officer, Stanis Hulahau.
Tsiamalili said this will enable state agencies to utilize the technology to safeguard the nation.
This also makes it quite easier for offices like that of the Immigration & Citizenship to authenticate passport applications prior to submission and acceptance of applications.
“This is an important addition to the Authority’s already stringent safeguard policies and will ensure that nobody can apply for a passport unless they have proven their identity by way of NID authentication.”
The minister has now mandated the PNG Civil & Identity Registry to come up with a whole new system to have online access with facial recognition at airports around the country.
Caption: Upgrade to NID cards includes fingerprint technology ENDS//