Chairwoman of Nasfund, Tamzin Wardley today announced the appointment of Mr. Rajeev Sharma as the new Nasfund CEO to replace current incumbent, Ian Tarutia after he retires on the 31st March 2023.
“The Nasfund Board at its meeting on 8th December 2022 resolved to promote the current Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Rajeev Sharma, to the CEO role from 1st April 2023.
The Board and its Remuneration & Nominations Committee conducted an exhaustive and high calibre recruitment process that attracted nearly 100 candidates from both international and domestic markets before selecting Mr. Sharma.
Mr. Sharma is a permanent resident of PNG and has been working in the country for over 20 years, with eight of these being as the Chief Financial Officer at Nasfund.
He has understudied with our current CEO during the last few years and his promotion ensures the stability of our transition and continuity of our operations with minimum disruptions.
He is extremely well qualified for the role and has a passion for the industry which we look forward to sharing with our members and stakeholders.”
Mr. Sharma has over 30 years of experience in the financial sector having worked in India, Middle East and PNG. He is a Chartered Accountant, a CPA in both PNG and Australia and holds a Bachelors degree in Commerce (Honours) from the Delhi University in India.
He is also a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and is a professional member of the PNG Institute of Directors.
Outgoing CEO Ian Tarutia said “Mr. Sharma is known to all staff and key stakeholders and has worked closely with me. Seven years as my Chief Financial Officer and recently since February 2022 as Chief Operating Officer.
I am confident Rajeev will lead the Fund and all our staff well with the support andguidance of the Nasfund Board over the next phase of the Funds growth”.
The Board will continue its succession planning program for the CEO and senior management positions to ensure the Fund has a strong pipeline of competent professionals to assume leadership roles of key functions into the future.