The Deputy Prime Minister (PM) John Rosso has confirmed that there will be new fleet of police vehicles arriving in country, in an effort to enable the police force carry out its mandated duty to the people of Papua New Guinea (PNG), efficiently and effectively.
The Deputy PM and Member for Lae Open, said that the new vehicles come under the government funding put into address the deteriorating law and order situation in the country.
“In the next couple of months, we’ll see the first 140 marked police cars arrive. That will be the replacement program for nearly 600 police cars, we’ll be getting rid of all the hired cars in the police force,” said Rosso.
He said with this done, the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) can save money and to use that money to attend to other necessary requirements for the police force.
“For the last 10 years, this is the first time that we have put in more money than any other government in history, has put towards the law and justice sector.”
Mr. Rosso went on to say that it’s not only for police, but the Correctional Service (CS) and the Magisterial Services also received the same huge funding support from the government because addressing law and order takes a holistic approach.