The Nasfund Contributors Savings and Loan Society (NCSL) is currently updating its members’ contributions and should be completed by 8th of February.
NCSL Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Frans Kootte said that with interest payments for members, like every year, a part of their profit will be shared with their members who mutually own NCSL.
Mr. Kootte stated that the level of this extra interest which they will pay to the savings accounts will be announced after the presentation of the annual report, which is usually in the month of March.
He added that this will be made known to the media.
“We have implemented the following since November of 2024 and that is:
• Increased staff numbers
• Extended working hours including weekends,
nights and public holidays
• Closely liaising with a team of experts from our new system vendor
Most member contributions received from employers have already been updated. We still have a few more member accounts to be updated. All new contributions we are receiving are processed automatically.
Additionally, we are continuously conducting online and onsite training for the registered partner employers to successfully upload contribution schedules and payment for their employees to NCSL.
To guide them in the process, relevant print and videos resources are being supplied,” Mr. Kootte explained.
He added that updating of members’ contributions are based on monthly and fortnightly frequency from schedule listings and payment advice received from their registered employers.
“Employers who have not yet submitted the schedules and payment advice for the months of November and December 2024 are encouraged to send them to ,” Mr. Kootte said.