Meeting with NCDC City Manager & Directors on Top 10 Priorities NCD Governor, The Powes Parkop, who had a recent medical emergency, is back to work yesterday.
“I want to humbly take this time and opportunity to thank everyone who has assisted me in helping me to recover from these difficult times and moments in my life. I want to also thank all your good wishes, and I am touched by your thoughtful messages,” said The Governor.
“I am grateful to be alive. I thank God for giving me another chance to continue to serve the people of NCD equally to serve our nation. As I always said, in the city, let’s rise as One People, One City, heading towards One Future.” he continued.

Following his return to work today, an urgent meeting was called to get updates from the City Manager, Directors of NCDC and Senior Managers.
Besides receiving updates, Governor Powes Parkop reminded everyone that serving the city and its people should be our main focus. He outlined the Top 10 Priorities moving forward and discussed and recorded each item’s deliverables and timeline as shared by the Directors in charge.

To mark Governor’s safe return and good health, City Manager, Mr Ravu Frank, shared a few words. And as a form of appreciation, a meaningful Lakatoi was presented for Governor’s continuous sail-safe journey ahead for our city Port Moresby.
After the meeting, the powerful Governor expressed pleasure and noted a lot of work to be carried out, “I am happy that we have a clearer roadmap for a Clean and Safer City for now – these will be our main focus priorities for the next few weeks, and we will tackle the rest once all the strategies are in place for implementation.” added Governor Parkop.