As part of efforts to provide and improve our services to members, the first batch of staff from the National Superannuation Fund (Nasfund), recently undertook financial literacy education training, through the Centre for Financial Inclusion, (CEFI).
The 19 Nasfund staff, from the Fund’s Member & Employer Services Division, completed CEFI’s Training of Trainer’s (ToT) course. Nasfund Head of Special Projects Judah Waffi spoke of the importance of this partnership, which aims to ensure maximum value for the Fund’s membership right throughout Papua New Guinea. “An agreement was signed earlier this year, to promote a closer working relationship between the Fund and CEFI.
This is the first of more engagements between both parties, in our endeavor to provide value to our membership, especially in the area of positive financial habits. Under CEFI’s Training of Trainer (TOT) program, this is the first batch of a total of 60 selected Nasfund staff to undergo a 5-day training session conducted by CEFI, aimed at equipping and upskilling our staff on the planning, delivery and monitoring of financial literacy training to our
This batch included members from our Member & Employer Services Division, who are at the forefront of our engagements with members. This training adds value to our interactions with members, a good number of whom are approaching the retirement age. With the training received, our members can be assured that the advice being provided by the Fund is sound, and in their best interest.
This partnership enables both organizations to work together in providing financial literacy training to Nasfund’s more than 636,000 members, families, and within our communities. Through this training, the Fund is playing our part in increasing coverage through education awareness to the unbanked population, many of whom are active participants in the informal and SME sector, and who also save with the Fund through Eda Supa.
Our participants who have undertaken this training, can now train more of our staff to who will be able to provide relevant financial literacy training to our members, with the confidence that the advice provided is certified by CEFI. We look forward to continuing this partnership in the coming months, with staff from other Divisions to take part in this ToT course.”