Opposition leader Belden Namah was satisfied with the Supreme Court’s decision yesterday on the sitting dates of Parliament.
The Supreme Court has stayed both decisions made by Parliament.
This is referring to Parliament decision on the 13th of November for Parliament to be adjourned to December 1st and on the 17th of November for Parliament to be adjourned to April 20th 2021 respectively.
“It’s a fair decision by the Court”
“Court has been adjourned to the 3rd and our Lawyers will be at work till then”
” So I’m happy with the decision by the Court ” Namah said.

Meanwhile from the government side, member for Sinesine Yongomul Kerenga Kua was also pleased with the ruling indicating the likely chaos today if a Parliament sitting had took place today.
“We don’t want to face a confrontation with the Opposition trying to forcefully reopen Parliament and convene a sitting”
“So this Court Ruling is stopping them from doing this until the Court completes the hearing on the substantive matter, then Court will decide when Parliament will meet”
Kua said both decisions by Parliament on the November 13th and 17th have been iced, which is a relief to both parties.