Parliament Sitting resumed today, Tuesday the 26th of November, with Member for Karamui Nomane district, Francis Alua as the first member who opened the floor during question time.
His question was directed to the Minister for Administrative Services and member for Popondetta, Richard Masere on the on-going National Census.
He stated in parliament today that there have been a few mixed reports from the media as to some provinces completing this exercise, some halfway through and some who have not yet started.
Being that he then asked that the minister be able to inform the people of this country on the floor of Parliament to provide a status of this exercise.
Minister for Administrative Services, Richard Masere responded by confirming that most of the counting had been completed which took only six months to do.
“We’ve already completed well over 333 Local Level Governments with 32 currently synchronizing.”
“From that current synchronizing that is taking place, Southern region has three more LLGs to complete their syncs. As for Highlands region, about twelve LLGs to complete their syncs, Momase has about fifteen LLGs and New Guinea Islands have completed their syncs.”
Masere further stated that so far within six months, they have progressed relatively slowly, however, he remains confident that despite the many different challenges that things will go well.
Meanwhile, along with the update that was given at Parliament, Masere made mention comparing this year’s National Census with the last one that took place back in 2011. He said that it took about a total of five years before reaching its completion, whereas this year’s Census took about six months.
“For the 2011 Census that was conducted, the funding was initially issued in 2009 and in 2010, the National Statistics Office conducted what we call the ‘Household Listing Service’ which is part of the population count and then in 2011, the population census was then conducted.”
“It was then in 2013 that the preliminary count was announced and in 2014, the official census count was announced.”
“So, in contrast with what we are doing today, it took about five years to announce the initial funding allocation to when the official census was concluded and as for this year, it took us only six months.”