Madang Provincial Police Commander, Acting Superintendent Robert Baim, has called for stricter adherence to road safety measures following a truck accident near Naru Mountain on the Madang–Ramu Highway earlier this week.
Baim said the accident highlights the dangers of overloading and unsafe practices by drivers, vehicle crews, and passengers.
“Road safety begins with the driver and crew, but it also involves ensuring the vehicle is in good condition, the driver is alert, and loads and passengers are properly secured,” he said.
The truck involved in the incident was reportedly overloaded with betel nut bags, with passengers sitting precariously on top of the cargo.
“These kinds of practices often lead to unnecessary accidents. In this case, the overloaded truck and unsafe seating arrangements likely contributed to the injuries,” Baim explained.
While details of the accident are still under investigation, Baim said police believe some passengers sustained serious injuries. It remains unclear how many people were affected and whether they were taken to a hospital in Madang or elsewhere.
He also noted that some PMV owners and drivers make unsafe modifications to their vehicles, which increase the risk of accidents.
“Such practices are not only illegal but also dangerous,” he said.
Baim stressed that passengers also have a role to play in road safety.
“If you see that a vehicle is overloaded, don’t get on it. It’s common sense,” he said, adding that cargo itself, such as the betel nut bags in this case, can often cause injuries during accidents.
Police in Madang have been conducting road safety awareness campaigns to educate the public, but Baim said incidents like this show that more work needs to be done. He assured that an investigation is underway to determine the exact cause of the accident.