It was a day of mixed feelings within the perimeters of the church-run St. Charles Lwanga Secondary School in Port Moresby as the school farewelled its 6th batch of Grade 12 students at a graduation ceremony witnessed by parents and guardians.
Keynote speaker and Deputy Opposition leader Douglas Tomuriesa reminded the graduands that it was the start of a long journey for them and not the end of their career as students.

He challenged them to remain committed in what they were good at doing and to turn their weaknesses into strengths.
“Be wise as you enter the world. One day you may hold a high position in society. But always remember, with great power comes greater responsibility. Be nice to everyone on your way up the ranks. You will meet the same people during your downfall,”

School Principal Bro. Joymon Mathew encouraged his band of students to live and shine the Christian values taught and instilled in them as they venture into the world, living them a reminder “Once a Lwangan, Always a Lwangan.”
The packed-to-capacity school hall was host to the graduation ceremony attended by parents, guardians, fellow students and a handful of invited guests to play witness to the important occasion for the departing students.
“169 grade 12 graduands made up the Grade 12 classes for this year including a new Gr. 12 science class,” said Bro. Joymon.
He said despite three weeks of missed lessons due to election-related violence in the metropolitan city, the students showed commitment in their learning and attended the make-up classes and remedial lessons to compensate the loss.
He commended the students for maintaining the discipline of the school and showing their leadership which resulted in no major disciplinary issues faced throughout the year.
“As a result we are expecting high results from the examinations for both the grade 10 and 12’s,”said Joymon.
The graduating students received their school attainment certificates while three (3) of the schools dux awardees were presented a laptop each, courtesy by the school.
The principal assured parents that their children are now well equipped with the best academics and necessary tools to improve their skills as well as elevated ethics and values to lead them in the path of spirituality.
“Go forth and embrace your future with open arms, and enthusiastically pursue your own life journey of discovery,” he concluded.