The Local Level Government Administration (Amendment) Bill 2024 has been passed in Parliament.
Minister for Provincial and Local Level Government Affairs Soroi Eoe who presented the Bill to Parliament stated that the Local Level Government Administration Act, 1997 is the legislation that governs the operations of Local Level Governments in the country.
Minister Eoe said there are 331 Local Level Governments (LLGs) and 6, 375 wards operating in the country.
“Section 42 to 51 of the Local-Level Administration Act also provides the legal basis for the establishment of the Local-Level Government Special Purpose Authorities (LLG SPAs) and govern their operations and management,” said the minister.
He said the amendments are made to sections 11, 14, 45 and 50 of the LLG Administration Act.
“These amendments are critically necessary in the light of the many social issues and breakdown in community governance and leadership in many of our communities.
The amendments will clearly demarcate and give added roles and responsibilities to Ward Members, set out minimum qualifications for LLG Leaders and give specific powers to the minister for Provincial and Local-Level Government Affairs to deal with LLG SPA Management Boards that do not comply with relevant sections of LLG Administration Act 1997, SPA Constitutions and other relevant legislations that govern the financial and general operations of LLG SPAs,” Minister Eoe stated.
He said the overarching aim of these amendments is to strengthen and ensure quality and accountable leadership in the communities to address the increasing social and law and order issues and to ensure greater accountability in the management and operations of LLG SPAs as service delivery mechanism.
“The amendments also support the National Government’s initiatives to shift power and the functions to the sub-national levels of government and to strengthen the services delivery mechanisms at the lower levels of government,” he said.
The Bill was passed in Parliament last week with support from both the government and opposition side.
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