Minister for Education Mr Jimmy Uguro has advised on Friday that the GTFS funds have been remitted to schools.
I am pleased to announce that a total of K25.9 million has been remitted to bank accounts for Elementary and Primary schools as well as Inclusive Education Resource Centres on Wednesday, 25th August, 2021.
Out of the K486.3 million allocated for this year, a total of K 268.5 million has been released so far.
From that allocation, a total of K 248.4 million has been paid to schools while K217.7 million is still outstanding for Terms 3 & 4. A total payment of K20 million is being processed for Secondary and Vocational schools.
I want to remind all the schools and their administrations once again to use the money wisely and spend only on priority areas that will improve the quality of teaching and learning in their school.
I would like to thank the national government for continuing to honor its commitment by making funds available to pay the schools despite the difficult economic situation the country is facing.