Moresby Arts Theatre (MAT) will be staging the Shakespearean play Hamlet, in April, but with a local modern twist.
Retitled ‘Hamlet Jones 675 (A High School Tragedy)’, this play is an adaptation of Joe Ferriero’s Contemporary Play ‘Hamlet Jones (A High School Tragedy)’ which will be directed by students from MAT’s Youth Arts Programme (YAP) – a competitive Drama Programme for schools in NCD, that is held every year.
Robert Vaso one of the play’s director’s, stated that this was a first for the MAT to get students from the YAP to direct a theatre production.
“This is the first time Moresby Arts Theatre has had students from its Youth Arts Programme direct a MAT production.”
“For this production, we decided to get the two winning directors, Tina-Marie Keith and Kabake Lansana from the programme last year to assist in directing.”
“I will be one of three directors for this production.”
He added that audiences should expect a bit of Tok Pisin and Motu in the play.
Two auditions were held; the first on, January 8th; the second on February 15th at the MAT.
“No more auditions are coming up but if anyone is interested in joining, we have Backstage spots available.”
Roles auditioned for included:
Hamlet – One of three best friends.
Ophelia – Hamlet’s best friend.
Horatio – Another of Hamlet’s friends.
Claudius – The new Principal of the High School Hamlet and his friends attend.
Polonius – The Guidance Counselor of the High School Hamlet attend.
Gertrude – Hamlet’s mother.
Rozencrants and Guildernstern – Two “slow” transfers and Hamlet’s schoolmates.
Boy 1,2 and 3 – Social Media Fanatics (extras)
Girl 1,2 and 3 – Social Media Fanatics (extras)
Vaso commented that these were all the characters available for auditions but with the play having a local twist, anything can happen.
“You never know what to expect from an adaption from PNG.”
Hamlet Jones tackles with issues of teenage anguish, social networking, peer pressure, friendship, madness, love and revenge.
Vaso added his belief the production will resonate well with the audience.