A group of Gulf students from various tertiary institutions across the country have been spending their school break raising awareness on the importance of education to children, students and parents in the Gulf Province.
This voluntary awareness program which started last week and ended over the weekend, saw 21 Gulf students visiting the main villages in the Province.
The idea was proposed by a third year Applied Chemistry student of the University of Technology, Benjamin Bal who reached out to fellow Gulf students of other tertiary institutions to carry out this awareness.
“We visited the main villages Iokea, Lese, Moveave, Terapo, Ipaquata, Uamai, Epo and Opau to raise awareness on the importance and the benefits of education and being educated,” said Mr. Bal.
“One key message that we spread throughout these villages was the importance of sending their children to school and that education begins at home first.”
The Provincial Department of Health assisted the students with a vehicle and a driver to take them through the villages.
“Although we had assistance, it was not enough to take us through all these villages,” said Mr. Bal.
“Since the awareness was voluntary, we used our personal finances while a fellow student, Bryan Hubert paid for zoom fuel and a dinghy so that we could go do the educational awareness in his home village of Opau.”
“We love what we are doing or did and we are a passionate about it, we want changes in our communities and that Education becomes a priority in the Gulf Province,” Mr. Bal added.