Joining over 120, 000 grade 8 students nationwide from 3, 433 primary schools, the students from the Coronation primary school in the nation’s capital sat their first paper today to kick off the examination week.
Unlike the grade 10-12’s exams which ran for a week, the grade 8 national examinations will be on for only 4 days form the 24th-27th of October.

Coronation Primary Head Teacher Mr. Tavera Seka said, they have a total of 425 students sitting for the exams.
“The students sat for their written expression paper this morning, tomorrow will be Math, Wednesday will be English and they will complete the week off with the combined subjects on Thursday, said Seka.”
Meanwhile, the grade 8 students are the only ones in school this week.

The rest of the grades from elementary to grade 7 have been given the week off so no to cause any disturbances to the final years sitting for their final examination this week.